Kei Koba's website in Center for Ecological Research ~ Ecosystems Ecology with Isotope Techniques ~

Welcome to Koba Lab in CER, Kyoto University!

Hi ! I'm interested in nutrient dynamics in ecosystems, and I've been using stable isotope techniques for understanding, especially nitrogen and carbon dynamics in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.

Research Interest

Biogeochemical cycles of materials (N, P, C, S, O, H, Si, Fe)
Isotope/Isotopomer technique for biogeochemical cycle studies
Anoxic environment (CH4, N2O dynamics in soil and water)
Ecosystems Ecology (plant - soil systems featuring microbial function)
Marriage of Environmental Economy and Ecosystems Ecology for more appropriate evaluations of ecosystems
Systems themselves (as nitrogen cycles, ecosystems, human systems, www etc.)

Society and Professional Service (20160221 Updated)

Japanese Ecological Society
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology
Japanese Society of Limnology

Editorial board of Ecological Research (JES)

Latest Publications (20160930 Updated, please see "Papers" from the column left above)

85. M. Nishizawa, S. Sakai, U. Konno, N. Nakahara, Y. Takaki, Y. Saito, H. Imachi, E. Tasumi, A. Makabe, K. Koba and K. Takai. 2016.
Nitrogen and oxygen isotope effects of ammonia oxidation by thermophilic Thaumarchaeota from a geothermal water stream.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, accepted --> abstract

84. C. B. Wenk, C. H. Frame, K. Koba, K. L. Casciotti, M. Veronesi, H. Niemann, C. J. Schubert, N. Yoshida, S. Toyoda, A. Makabe, J. Zopfi, and M. F. Lehmann. 2016.
Stable isotope and isotopomer distributions reveal differential N2O dynamics in two oxygen-deficient lake basins.
Limnology and Oceanography, accepted

83. S. Hobara, K. Kushida, Y. Kim, K. Koba, B.-Y. Lee and N. Ae. 2016.
Relationships among pH, minerals, and carbon in soils from tundra to boreal forest.
Ecosystems, accepted

82. A. Tanaka-Oda , T. Kenzo, Y. Inoue, M. Yano, K. Koba, and T. Ichie. 2016.
Variation in leaf and soil δ15N in diverse tree species in a lowland dipterocarp rainforest, Malaysia.
Trees 30(2): 509-522. --> abstract

81. S. Toyoda, N. Yoshida, and K. Koba. 2016.
Isotopocule analysis of biologically produced nitrous oxide in various environments.
Mass Spectrometry Reviews, in press. --> abstract