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Curriculum Vitae

Given Name: Goro
Surname: Hanya

Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University
Inuyama campus, 41-2, Kanrin, Inuyama, Aichi, 484-8506, Japan

Born in Aichi, Japan on 7th March 1975
Japanese citizen

April 1990-March 1993, Nishiharu High School, Aichi Prefecture
April 1993-March 1997, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (B.Sc)
April 1997-March 1999, Master course, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (M.Sc; Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies, Department of Zoology, advisor: Prof. T. Nishida)
April 1999-March 2002 Doctor course, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (D.Sc; Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies, Department of Zoology, advisor: Prof. T. Nishida)

Research and Professional Experience
April 1999- March 2002 JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) fellow (DC1)
April 2002-September 2002 Part-time lecturer, Ryukoku University
April 2002-September 2006 Part-time lecturer, Hiroshima City University
October 2002-March 2003 Research fellow at Primate Research Insitute, Kyoto University
April 2003-March 2006 JSPS post-doctoral research fellow at Primate Research Insitute, Kyoto University
September 2006 JSPS post-doctoral fellow in abroad at Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, University Malaysia Sabah
October 2006-March 2022 Associate Professor at Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
April 2022-present Associate Professor at Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University

March 2005 Ecological Research Award, Ecological Society of Japan
July 2005 Takashima Prize, Primate Society of Japan
March 2012 Yasuyuki Oshima Award, Ecological Society of Japan
July 2014 Primates Most-cited Paper Award 2014
July 2015 Primates Most-cited Paper Award 2015
July 2016 Primates Most-cited Paper Award 2016

MEXT Grant-in-Aid (JSPS Fellows, DC1): Adaptation by Japanese macaques in Yakushima to a marginal environment. 1999-2001
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (JSPS Fellows, PD): Effects of environment and phylogeny on the evolution of social organization of primates. 2003-2005
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Young Scientist B): Community ecology of primates in Southeast Asian tropical forests. 2008-2009
Kyoto University Foundation, short-term dispatch program: Fruit production and primate community structure: comparisons between temperate and tropical forests. 2010
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Young Scientist A): Response by large animals to mast fruiting in Southeast Asian tropical forests. 2010-2012
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Challenging Exploratory Research): Spore dispersal through mycophagy by Japanese macaques. 2011-2012
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Scientific Research B): Coevolution of primate diet and and gut microbiota. 2013-2016
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Challenging Exploratory Research): The role of primates on the maintenance of fungi species diversity. 2013-2014
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Challenging Exploratory Research): Census of mammal population using iDNA. 2015-2016
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Joint International Research): Coevolution of primate diet and and gut microbiota. 2016-2018
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Scientific Research B): Sodium acquisition by herbivores in 'normal' ecosystems. 2018-2020 (extended until 2021)
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Joint International Research B): Fermentation ability of gut microbe of great apes. 2019-2022 (extended until 2024)
Daiko Foundation: The effect of the gut microbe on the digestion of wild Japanese macaques in Yakushima. 2020-2021
Kyoto University ‘SPIRITS’2021 (Supporting Program for InteRaction-based Initiative Team Studies): Human-wildlife relationships and defaunation in Japan. 2021-2022
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Scientific Research B): Effects of cooking on the evolution of human diet. 2023-2026
MEXT Grant-in-Aid (Challenging Exploratory Research): Exploring history of primatology by the materials of early primatologists. 2023-2024

Editorial Services
Ecological Research: Associate Editor-in-Chief (2016 April~2019 December)
Primates: Advisory board (2010~2014), associate editor (2015 January~2017 December, 2021 January~)
American Journal of Biological Anthropology: Editorial board member (June 2023~)
Reviewer: Journal of Animal Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Communications Biology, Primates, American Journal of Primatology, International Journal of Primatology, Folia Primatologica, Ecological Research, Mammal Study, Mammalian Biology, Population Ecology, Rev. Ecol. (Terre et Vie), SpringerPlus, African Journal of Ecology, Tropics, Scientific Reports, Ecological Applications, Biotropica, Ecological Indicators, Journal of Parasitology, Journal of Morphology, European Journal of Wildlife Research, Journal of Vertebrate Biology, International Journal of Biometeorology, Animals, Zoological Research, Primate Research (in Japanese), Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology (in Japanese)


Written by: Goro Hanya (hanya.goro.5z<atmark>>
Contact: Goro Hanya (hanya.goro.5z<atmark>
<Update: July 4, 2023>